ServiceNow Implementation Highlights

Advisory and Consulting

Modernized Customer Service Portal

Used ServiceNow's CSM to build a secure, feature-rich portal that offers self-service options to customers.

Advisory and Consulting

Seamless Digital Integration

Incorporated digital workflows for uninterrupted service requests and problem-solving processes.

Advisory and Consulting

Leveraged Advanced Analytics

Utilized ServiceNow's analytics to actively monitor service engagement and lead times.

Solution Details

Advisory and Consulting

Service Catalog

Established a dynamic service catalog in the portal for simplified access to services and details.

Advisory and Consulting

Customer Interaction Tracking

Consistently tracked and examined customer interactions to enhance and tailor the customer experience.

Advisory and Consulting

Prioritized Personalization

Implemented strategies to refine the user experience based on customer interaction analysis.



Customer satisfaction increase from enhanced digital services and reduced lead times.


Reduction in service lead times increased customer satisfaction.


Digital management of services boosted operational efficiency.

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